Zippy meets Sara and her dog, a German Shorthaired Pointer named Yukon Nelson Potato, aka Yuki.
Zippy wants to run up and jump right on Yuki, who is a very good boy as he stands and watches her.
Zippy proving her attraction to large breed dogs as she walks right up to Yuki and tries to jump on him.
She play bows at Yuki asking him to play with her.
As hard as she tries to get a play session going, Yuki is on a leash and he stands like a good boy next to his owner.
Zippy decides to be a good girl and lays down in the grass.
In the apartment Zippy decides to check Yuki out from up on the couch.
Zippy tries again to start a play session with Yuki, but he is not going for it.
Zippy, where are your manners? Leave him alone. He is being a good boy.