This 9 day old pup has an abscess on his back leg. You can see the hole in the back of the leg. It was most likely caused by the mother trying to pick up the puppy to move them or adjust them in the box.
The rear right leg and thigh are two times bigger than the other leg. Before draining it was five times bigger.
This is a medical emergency and the owner was advised to take this pup to the vet where they lanced the inside of the leg and drained out a lot of pus.
This is the hole after it had been drained by the vet. The pup has to be tube fed every two hours to bring up its strength and needs to be on oral antibiotics. The puppy was very lethargic, but seems to be doing much better in the last hour. The wound needs to be drained two more times tonight and once tomorrow and then left to heal.
This is the hole the vet made on the inside of the leg to help the puncture wound drain.
Courtesy of MistyTrails Havanese - Mid-Woof