Louis the Shorkie Tzu puppy at 11 weeks old—his mother was full-breed Yorkie and his dad was full-breed Shih Tzu. He is very playful and fun and loving! Everywhere he goes, he gets lots of attention from everybody.
Ringo, Shorkie Tzu (Shih Tzu / Yorkie mix breed dog) at 1 year; he weighs around 5 pounds.
Emma the one-year-old Shorkie Tzu has the Yorkie personality and the Shih Tzu disposition.
Shelby the Shorkie Tzu puppy at 8 week old, weighing 1½ pounds— "The mother was full Shih Tzu and the father was full Yorkie."
Polo "Peanut Butter" a.k.a Pork Chop the Shorkie Tzu at 4 years old— "I never would have thought a small dog would break into my heart the way this dog did. Polo is strong willed from a pup, very hard to train yet highly intelligent! For example; if we have something of his, he will not relent until he has it back, extremely alert and a great watch dog. It seems Polo is semi submissive yet has dominance when needed. I am writing this and showing his image because he has been missing since 4/20/15, and I want his image to be immortalized."
Polo "Peanut Butter" a.k.a Pork Chop the Shorkie Tzu at 4 years old
Polo "Peanut Butter" a.k.a Pork Chop the Shorkie Tzu at 4 years old