Wild Animals (Not commonly kept as pets)
Wild Animals (Not commonly kept as pets)
A large snapping turtle in the middle of a road.
People often catch snapping turtles and make snapper soup out of them. This fella was lucky that he was not found by turtle hunters.
Snapping turtle spotted in northeastern PA.
Snapping turtle spotted in northeastern PA.
Snapping turtle spotted in northeastern PA.
Snapping turtle spotted in northeastern PA.
Snapping turtle spotted in northeastern PA.
Snapping turtle spotted in northeastern PA.
Snapping turtle spotted in northeastern PA.
Moving the turtle to a nearby pond. Never pick up a snapper by putting your hands on the sides of its shell. Its long neck can turn around and bite your arm. Picking it up by its tail is one way to move a snapping turtle, keeping its head from reaching your skin.
This turtle is not happy about being picked up.
If he could reach, he'd take a bite out of that guy's side.
The snapper was placed at the water's edge.