Knuckles the Boxer at 6 years old
Knuckles the Boxer at 6 years old
Knuckles the Boxer at 6 years old
Knuckles the Boxer at 6 years old
Knuckles the Boxer at 6 years old
"This is Schnee Wittchen (German for Snow White) at 2 years and 11 months old. She weighs 85 pounds, and is all muscle! She loves going for runs at the park, eating peanut butter, sleeping in late and playing hide-n-seek! She also very much enjoys going for rides in the car! She is not very fond of showers or small bugs. Schnee Wittchen has a heart of gold and loves everyone she meets!"
An adult Boxer with it's puppy—Photo courtesy of Victory Boxers
Adult Boxers up on the couch
A white Boxer next to a fawn Boxer
A white Boxer
"Max is the flashy fawn Boxer. He is 2 years old in this picture. Akosha is the white Boxer. She is 1 year old in this picture. She is completely deaf, but has no clue she cannot hear."
An adult Boxer climbing on the rocks