Kody the black with white Bug (Boston Terrier / Pug hybrid dog) at 2 years old from Australia—"Kody is the love of my life (besides my partner). I got her from a lady who was breeding Bugs and I have to be honest, I never even thought about a Boston or a Boston cross...until her. She is always full of energy and is the boss at the dog park (big or small dogs). She is a major clown and loves to play with anyone. I would love for her to have puppies but alas Bostons or Bugs are as rare as hen’s teeth in Australia. Breeders are a no go as she has 1/8 Pug in her, and there are no Bugs here!!!"
Herbie the black Bugg puppy (Pug / Boston Terrier mix breed dog) at 8 weeks old
Herbie the black Bugg puppy (Pug / Boston Terrier mix breed dog) puppy at 3 months old
Herbie the black Bugg puppy (Pug / Boston Terrier mix breed) puppy at 7½ months old—"He may look a lot like a Pug, but he acts like a Boston."
"This is our Bugg Zoe at 7 months old and very hyper, prone to cherry eye; she's had it in both eyes but different times. She is very loving and a good guard dog, she lets us know when someone's coming."
Zoe the Brindle colored Bugg (Boston Terrier / Pug mixed breed dog) at 7 months old
Brindle colored Bugg puppy (Boston Terrier / Pug mix breed)
Brindle colored Bugg puppies (Boston Terrier / Pug mix breed)
Brindle colored Bugg puppies (Boston Terrier / Pug mix breed)
Brindle colored Bugg puppy (Boston Terrier / Pug mix breed)
Brindle colored Bugg puppy (Boston Terrier / Pug mix breed)
"Bailey the Bugg at 1 year and 4 months old is full of energy as always. She still loves undies and the outdoors. This is her playing in the yard with one of her favorite toys. Her favorites are the ones with loud squeakers in them."
"Bailey the Bugg at 1 year and 4 months old around the pool. This is her in her boat with her life jacket on. She doesn’t like the water very much, other than just sitting on the steps. However, she has taken up floating around the pool in her boat."
"This is Bailey. She is a Bugg. She is about 8 months old now. Her temperament is well-rounded. She is a bit high-strung, but remember, she is still a puppy. Plus I love that she keeps me on my toes. I love her to death. Just a great personality and a great companion."
Bailey is about 8 months old and weighs 11 pounds in this picture. She was the runt of her litter. She loves to chew on panties... doesn't matter what kind...she's a little undies stealer."
"She also likes to sit on the first step of our pool to relax. She is still unsure about swimming but is more than willing to take a dip to cool off."
"Bailey also unfortunately broke her leg in two places when she was about 4 months old. Due to her spunky personality and a love for life she was back to her original self in no time."
Bailey the Bugg (Boston Terrier / Pug hybrid) getting a bath and waiting OUT of the tub!
Barnaby the 3-year-old Bugg
Barnaby the 3-year-old Bugg