Oreo the Mini black and white cat
Miniature cats are usually 1/3 to 1/2 the size of normal cats of similar breeds, weighing 3 to 5 pounds and usually less than 9 inches tall or less at maturity. Most have medium-length hair; not real short and not real long. Though, hair length does vary some. Tail length also varies since there is some Manx in their bloodlines. Most colors, from Siamese-colored, calicos, tabby markings, solids and spotted appear. They are very dog/other animal-friendly, playful, people-friendly, fun little cats!
Oreo the Mini black and white cat
Oreo the Mini black and white cat
Photo courtesy of Dakota Winds Ranch
Photo courtesy of Dakota Winds Ranch
Photo courtesy of Dakota Winds Ranch
Ayla with miniature cats Lilly, Pippy, Nip Jr., and Tomy
Amber the miniature cat
Photo courtesy of Dakota Winds Ranch