The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print

Persian Cat Pictures

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Lola the Persian cat is sleeping on a couch on its side with its mouth open

Lola the sleeping Persian cat at 3 years old

Two Bicolor Persian Kittens are sitting on a leather couch. There is a picture of one of the kittens blended into the top part of the couch. 'Photograph of a Blue Smoke Bi Color Male Persian Kat-Uby Kat's Michelangelo of Ceylon Copyright Belongs to Ceylon Cattery htt://' are overlayed at the bottom third of the photoCalico Persian Kitten is standing on a green backdrop and looking down towards the camera holder. 'Photograph of a Smoke Calico Female Persian Kitten Pink Palace's Escada of Ceylon' Copyright Belongs to Ceylon Cattery htt://' are overlayed at the bottom third of the photo