Sophie and Bruno the Rotties at 8 months old
Sophie and Bruno the Rotties at 8 months old
"This is my Rottie Sasha Bear. She is 20 months old in this picture and weighs 115 lbs. She's the biggest mush you'd ever meet, but seems ferocious when a stranger comes to the door. She's a lot taller than most Rottweilers; she resembles a small horse. She loves to go hiking, play with her rubber toys, and follow the family cat around the house. She is VERY obedient and stays at my side on walks. She gets along very well with other dogs and she is calm and submissive around them. She is also very playful. Everyone told me I was crazy to get a Rottweiler, because of their bad reputation, but to me she's the best dog in the world! She's a gentle giant. It took a lot of hard work and patience to train her, but it makes all the difference in the long run."
Sasha Bear the Rottie as a young puppy
"This is my 22-month-old Rott Mya. She is the best dog ever. We watch the Dog Whisperer all the time and have learned how to handle Mya. She is very strong and used to pull us, but using some of Caesar's advice she now walks beside us or behind us. She knows who the alpha lead is and does so well being led."
Adult Rottweiler
Adult Rottweiler
Kelly with a Rottweiler puppy
Talon the female Rottie at 4 1/2 years old
Talon the female Rottie at 4 1/2 years old