Charlie the Shar-Pei as a puppy at 2 months old
Charlie the Shar-Pei as a puppy at 2 months old
Charlie the Shar-Pei as an adult dog at 4 years old
Phoebe the Bear, the bear-coat Shar-Pei wearing a tiara
Phoebe the Bear, the bear-coat Shar-Pei with a ball in her mouth
Phoebe the Bear, the bear-coat Shar-Pei
This is Stoney (Stonewall) the Shar Pei
This sleepy Shar-Pei is named Trouble.
These two Shar-Peis live in Irkutsk, Russia.
Two-year-old Bailey T
Chester an adult Shar Pei
A wonderful, well-bred Shar-Pei from Khan-Du Chinese Shar-Pei—their dedication to the breed has produced healthy, gentle, friendly, loving and intelligent dogs.
Shar-Pei puppies from Khan-Du Chinese Shar-Pei
Shar-Pei from Khan-Du Chinese Shar-Pei
Shar-Pei from Khan-Du Chinese Shar-Pei