Hank the Cane Corso at 3 years old with Rosie the Cane Corso puppy at 8 weeks old.
Hank the Cane Corso at 3 years old with Rosie the Cane Corso puppy at 8 weeks old taking a nap together.
Hank the Cane Corso at 4 years old with Rosie the Cane Corso at 1 year old.
Hank the Cane Corso at 1 year old—"I got Hank from a breeder in Ontario, Canada. I had asked for their most gentle male pup. I got exactly what I asked for. This guy is the biggest baby. He's sweet with kids, great with other dogs and loves people. I couldn't ask for a better first dog."
Hank the Cane Corso as a puppy at 2 months old—"This is Hank at 2 months old. He's a super smart pup and has been quick to learn since the day I brought him home. Most of the time he's super calm, but of course he gets his outbursts of puppy energy as well. This is my first time owning this breed but have been very familiar with them for a while. They are all around amazing dogs in one very large package."
Hank the Cane Corso 3 years with his best friend Rosie the Cane Corso puppy at 8 weeks.
"Ua, my blue brindle Cane Corso at 18 months old. She is by far the most intelligent and affectionate dog I've ever owned."
Rupe the Cane Corso as a puppy at 13 weeks old
Rupe the Cane Corso at 5.5 months old— "There isn't a dog to date that he doesn't want to play with. He is very gentle without having to be told around infants and young children. Stuffed animals are his favorite things to rip apart."
"Rupe at 8 months old weighing 74 pounds—his two favorite things to eat are ice cubes and potatoes."
Khan the blue-eyed Cane Corso Italiano puppy at 9 weeks old
"Botticelli the 10-month-old Cane Corso Italiano puppy loves to sleep like a human with her head on pillows."
Nero the black Cane Corso at 1 year old—photo courtesy of Brusco's Cane Corso
Cassie the Cane Corso Italiano at 1 1/2 years old, photo courtesy of Brusco's Cane Corso
Cassie the Cane Corso Italiano at 1 1/2 years old with her owner, photo courtesy of Brusco's Cane Corso
Cassie the Cane Corso Italiano as a puppy, photo courtesy of Brusco's Cane Corso
Cane Corso Italiano puppy, photo courtesy of Burgwald Kennel, Since 1995
Barone the Cane Corso puppy at 5 weeks