Adhoc the Irish Terrier at 4 years old at the beach
Adhoc the Irish Terrier as a puppy at 4 months old sleeping up-side-down
Tawnyoak Darktown Struta the Irish Terrier puppy at 4 months old. Owned By: Sarah Gerrey. Bred By: Pam Gerrey of Tawnyoak Kennels
Rosie the Irish Terrier pup—"They are a great breed and the eyes reveal the fire and fun of their nature."
Photo courtesy of Baystone Irish Terriers
Maggie & Kate
This is Nicke sitting beside the club’s agility-trophy maxi class, which he won in 1998. Dog: Fardarrigh Nickel Note, 15 Feb 1996 Owner: Henry Blomqvist, ESPOO, Finland
This is 8-month-old Okerry's Rock of the Cashel aka Rocky.
"Quigley the Irish Terrier swimming (they say that Noah didn't need to take ITs on the ark, they were happier swimming alongside)"