The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print

Sea Creatures

Two men, a girl and a boy are standing on a stone dock near a body of water. Each person on the dock is holding two fish each and handing above them are four fish and to the right of them are two fish hanging down the edge.

Halibut, lingcod, sockeye salmon, spring fish—photo courtesy of MistyTrails Havanese / Mastiff (our other interests)

A man in bright orange suspenders is wiping his hands with a towel and in front of him is a wagon full of various fish.

Photo courtesy of MistyTrails Havanese / Mastiff (our other interests)

A fish hanging up on a wall. The fish has a hook in its mouth.

Fish caught in Lake Nicaragua—photo courtesy of MistyTrails Havanese / Mastiff (our other interests)

A large fish with tiny eyes is hanging on a wall, it has a hook in its mouth. There is another fish above and behind it handing on the wall as well. The other fish has a hook in its tail.

Fish caught in Lake Nicaragua—photo courtesy of MistyTrails Havanese / Mastiff (our other interests)

An ugly fish with a large lump above its head is hanging on a plaque on a wall. It is placed to the left. Its mouth is open.

Fish caught in Lake Nicaragua—photo courtesy of MistyTrails Havanese / Mastiff (our other interests)

A fish is hanging on a wall, it is facing the right. Behind and hanging down under it is a lot of lures attached to it.

Fish caught in Lake Nicaragua—photo courtesy of MistyTrails Havanese / Mastiff (our other interests)

A fish is hanging on a plaque on a wall and it is placed to the left. There is a hook on its backside.

Fish caught in Lake Nicaragua—photo courtesy of MistyTrails Havanese / Mastiff (our other interests)