The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print

Wild Animals (Not commonly kept as pets)


A Camel being given a disposable Pepsi cup to drink out of

A camel at Arbuckle Wilderness, an exotic animal theme park in Oklahoma. "Hey buddy, do you want some food?"

Camel Fun Facts

Contrary to popular belief, camels do not store water in their humps; they store fat in their humps.

A Camel with a tag that says '83' on its ear drinking out of disposable Pepsi cup which is being held out the window of a car by a person

Oh yes, he wants some.

A Camel is drinking out of disposable Pepsi cup which is being held out the window of a car by a person

He sure is a friendly camel, and a hungry one!

Close Up - The left side of a Camel Head with a sign behind it that reads - Hold Hand Flat When Feeding Animals
