Boxer / Rottweiler mixed breed female puppy, Sage when she was 6 weeks old
"Rosie is our 12 year old Boxweiler mix. She has been an amazing friend and companion. Just a fur ball of love to us! She is starting to slow down, but she is doing great, as we have another little dog that keeps her on her toes. She gets a little jealous of other dogs, but she deals with it. We love her and she will always be in our heart!"
Rosie the Boxweiler (Boxer / Rottweiler mix)
Rosie the Boxweiler (Boxer / Rottweiler mix)
Rosie the Boxweiler (Boxer / Rottweiler mix)
Rosie the Boxweiler (Boxer / Rottweiler mix) playing with her doggie friend
Rosie the Boxweiler (Boxer / Rottweiler mix) taking a nap with her cat friend
Rosie the Boxweiler (Boxer / Rottweiler mix)
Rosie the Boxweiler (Boxer / Rottweiler mix) with her cat friend
Mija the F1 Boxer Rotty at 13 years old—"Mija is a wonderful dog and has been our heart & soul for 13 years. She has doggy cancer and is on her last legs. She was 80lbs in her prime and now about 64lbs. We wanted to post a pic and tell people how wonderful this type of dog is. She was great with children and other big dogs... not so great with little yappers I'm afraid. Rip my Mija"
Mija the F1 Boxer Rotty at 13 years old
Chloe the Boxweiler at 5 years old—"We were blessed with this beautiful dog when she was 4 weeks old. She has been the best dog ever. She is very calm and sweet. She loves to roll in the snow and loves getting treats. She has had 3 litters of puppies. Her first litter she was bred to a purebred Boxer and only had one puppy. The second litter she had 13 puppies, but only 10 survived. The third litter she had 7 puppies and then 8 hours later she gave birth to puppy number 8. That puppy only lived for 4 days after we broke her out of the sack and rushed her to the vet. The vet told us to put her back with Chloe, but the puppy had a problem with her throat and didn't make it. She was an incredible mother to all of her puppies and she is just a loveable dog. She is now 10 years old and she has been diagnosed with bone and lung cancer. It breaks our heart to see our family dog pass away."