Hercules the Morkie (Yorkshire Terrier / Maltese mix) puppy at 3 months old
Hercules the Morkie (Yorkshire Terrier / Maltese mix) puppy at 3 months old
Hercules the Morkie (Yorkshire Terrier / Maltese mix) puppy at 3 months old sleeping
Hercules the Morkie (Yorkshire Terrier / Maltese mix) puppy at 3 months old sleeping
Hercules the Morkie (Yorkshire Terrier / Maltese mix) puppy at 3 months old sleeping
Hercules the Morkie (Yorkshire Terrier / Maltese mix) puppy at 9 months old
Charlie aka Nooni, a Yorktese at 3 years old wearing his new sweater
Stoli the Yorkie / Maltese mix
Merlin, a Yorkie / Maltese mix at 4 months old
"This is Jenny. She is a three-year-old Maltese / Yorkie mix. She has the fur, ears and tail of a Maltese, but the rest of her is pure Yorkie. She likes to think she is boss, and with all the power of her entire five pounds’ of weight, she'll take on any and all real and imagined foes, including our 125-pound Great Pyrenees, who ignores her threats. Jenny is also the sweetest, most loveable dog you'd ever want to meet. She is our little catalog queen, because she has won three contests where she was featured in various pet catalogs. Her family includes two purebred Maltese, one Great Pyrenees, one Amazon Blue Front Parrot and, of course, us, mom and dad."