The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print

Pigs and Hogs Pictures

Page 3

A pink with black Piglet is eating hay and it is standing near a backwall. There is a black with pink Piglet eating apples out of a pan.

3-½-month-old pigs eating

A pink and black piglet is standing in the back of a barn and it is looking up, its mouth is slightly open. There is a black with pink piglet eating apples out of a pan.

3-½-month-old pigs eating

A black with pink Piglet is standing in hay and its front left leg is in the pan it was eating food out of. There is a pink and black Piglet eating in the background.

3-½-month-old pigs eating

A pink and black Piglet is standing in Hay against the back wall of their enclosure inside of a barn. It has its mouth open because it is chewing on an apple.

3-½-month-old pig eating an apple

A black with pink Piglet has its front left leg in the pan it was eating food out of. There is a black and pink piglet standing on the other side of the barn it is looking at the other piglet.

Piglets at 3 ½ months

A pink and black Piglet is sniffing the dirt that is exposed next to hay inside of an old barn.

Piglets at 3 ½ months

A pink and black Piglet is standing behind a pan and it is sniffing it.

Piglets at 3 ½ months