The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print

List of Tibetan Mastiff Mix Breed Dogs

Side view of a large orange colored tan dog with a big head a large muzzle, almond shaped eyes and ears that hang down to the sides with a long tail that reaches the ground and a thick coat covering its whole body standing outside in grass.

"This is my dog. His name is Bud and he is a 7 year old Golden Retriever and Tibetan Mastiff mix. I call him a "Golden Mastiff." He is just over 28" at his shoulders and weighs 112 pounds. He has the guardian personality of a Tibetan Mastiff: he is reserved with strangers and doesn't like other dogs. He is very loyal to those he knows well, and very protective of his "sister," an American Pit Bull Terrier. Bud loves to swim and play ball, like a Golden Retriever."

  • Tibetan Mastiff x Golden Retriever mix = Tibetan Golden Mastiff
  • Tibetan Mastiff x Irish Wolfhound mix = Tibetan Wolfhound
Other Tibetan Mastiff Dog Breed Names
  • Do-Khyi
  • Tsang-khyi
A golden tan large breed dog with a big head, brown eyes and a black nose standing outside in front of water. The dog has drop ears that hang down to the sides and large dewlaps for lips.

Bud the Golden Retriever and Tibetan Mastiff mix at 7 years old.

A golden tan large breed dog with a wide muzzle, a black nose, dark eyes, ears that hang down to the sides showing from the front with thick fur standing outside in brown grass in front of a body of water.

Bud the Golden Retriever and Tibetan Mastiff mix at 7 years old.