The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print


Page 3 - The Ducklings

Close up - A wet baby duck is hatching out of an egg with unhatched eggs all around it.
A group of duclings are standing on a paper towel under a heat lamp in a cage. There is a mason jar food despencer behind them on the wire floor area.

The ducklings started off in a cardboard box. It was quickly discovered they were too messy with the water to live in a cardboard box.

A group of three Ducklings are standing in front of a feed dispenser.

In just five days the ducklings grew from this...

A person is picking up a large duckling inside of the cage. The rest of the ducklings are behind it.

…to this!

A group of ducklings are standing on a paper towel and they are looking at a feeder and water dispenser.A group of ducklings are standing on a paper towel and they are looking to the left.