The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print

Jr. Handling

A Show Dog's Life

Page 2

A blonde haired girl is sitting in a chair, in front of a table with grooming tools on it and she is touching a black with white dog in front of her. On the otherside of the table is a boy standing up.

Senior Handler Ashley grooming

The back of a boy that is standing on a rug and there is a white dog standing in front of it. There is a line of children with dogs next to them and a man is awarding them medals.

Waiting to compete

A white fluffy haired dog is standing on a grooming table behind it is a girl that is touching it.

Junior Handler Kendra grooms her puppy.

A brown with white dog is standing on a grooming table and it is looking to the left. Two boys are standing behind the dog and grooming it.

Junior Handler Kayden grooms his dog.

In the foreground there is a blonde-haired lady standing in front of a table with a black with white dog sitting on it and she is grooming the dog. In the background there is a lady tieing the hair of a girl in a black and white jacket who is grooming a fluffy white dog.

Junior Handlers Emily and Katie groom their dogs while Mom grooms Katie ;-)

A blonde-haired girl and a red-haired girl are standing on opposite sides of a table and they are grooming a white with black dog on the table.

Senior Handlers Ashley and Shannon

A blonde-haired girl is standing behind a black with white dog and to she is being judged by a blonde-haired man in a tan suit. Next to the girl is a girl in a black and white jacket holding the leash of a white dog and smiling.A blonde haired girl is standing up for a photo, in front of her is a lady holding a ribbon and to the right of her is a dog that is posing.

Senior Handler Ashley, with Harry, taking first place.

A blonde-haired girl is holding a red ribbon in her left hand, a green ribbon in her right hand and she has a medal around her neck.

Emily, Junior finalist

A blonde haired girl is standing behind a table and she is holding the leash of a dog that is posing on the table. To the left of them is a lady holding a sky blue ribbon.

Emily, a Junior Handler with Catreeya, taking first place.

A girl in a black and white checkered patterned jacket is standing behind a white fluffy dog on a table. There is a person holding a sky blue ribbon in his hands.

Junior Handler Mara with Katie taking first place.

A blonde haired girl is posing a white with black dog on a table. There is a person holding a blue ribbon to the left of them.

Senior Handler Ashley and pup

A blonde haired girl is posing a black with white dog on a table and to the left of them is a lady holding a ribbon.

Buca's daughter Ceiba with Cuban Chambolina. She got two more points, bringing her up to three points.

Courtesy of MistyTrails Havanese