The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print

Love Those Mutts

Pictures of Mixed-Breed Dogs

Page 55

A little tan and white puppy with a corse thick coat and ectra skin, a boxy muzzle and large brown nose leaning against a pink plush toy.

Jasmine the Labrador Retriever mix puppy at 4 weeks old

A tiny tan and white puppy with a brown nose sleeping on hot pink toys with her head on a basketball.

Jasmine the Labrador Retriever mix puppy at 4 weeks old

A tiny tan and white puppy with a brown nose sleeping on hot pink toys with her nose on an orange basketball.

Jasmine the Labrador Retriever mix puppy at 4 weeks old

A small tan and white puppy laying down in a brown cardboard box on top of a hot pink pillow.

Jasmine the Labrador Retriever mix puppy at 4 weeks old

A small tan and white puppy with small fold over ears sleeping on a hot pink pillow inside of a cardboard box.

Jasmine the Labrador Retriever mix puppy at 4 weeks old

A small tan and white puppy playing with a colorful toy ball on a gray tiled floor.

Jasmine the Labrador Retriever mix puppy at 4 weeks old

A tiny little tan and white puppy yawning inside of a cardboard box with a black and white blanket covering him.

Jasmine the Labrador Retriever mix puppy at 4 weeks old

Dog DNA Tests

Other Names
  • All American
  • Cross Breed
  • Heinz 57
  • Mix
  • Mixed Breed
  • Mutt
  • Mix Breed
  • Pariah dog
  • Rez dog
  • Tyke